#2 of 52

>> Monday, October 27, 2008

#2 of 52, originally uploaded by lissykeeper.

So, I really wanted to have a picture of me lifting weights or doing push ups or something. My whole plan for this week was to get moving. But I'm nothing if not honest. I haven't even remotely began my weight loss project. In all fairness to me, this last week was all about surviving.

It all began on Tuesday when I ran over my dog. Alissa and I cried all the way to school. Turns out, she was just fine, but we didn't know that at the time. Gary took her to the vet and told them, "This is my wife's dog. Save it. I don't care what it cost." She had some bruised ribs and was really sore, but no broken bones or internal bleeding.

And of course, we had parent teacher conferences this week. UGHHH!

I wanted to slap a fellow teacher.

My horse pulled a good one on me at the barrel racing.

And to top everything off, my husband forgot I was trying to lose weight and bought a bunch of high fat snack foods specifically for my lunches.

Needless to say, I didn't even bother to weigh myself. Maybe next week...


#1 of 52

>> Monday, October 20, 2008

#1 of 52, originally uploaded by lissykeeper.

Okay, so here it goes. This is my very first self portrait of my 52 weekly portraits. I obviously didn't bother getting all dressed up for the occassion. LOL! If you look closely, you can see the scales are very dusty and haven't been used in quite sometime. Hence the birth of this blog.

This is what I typically look like for work. And yes, I wear tennis shoes to work. I'm a fat woman that stands on her feet all day trying to educate our future.

I wish, after the fact, that I had set the scales to show my current weight. But the cheap things probably wouldn't work after that.

I didn't bother trying to set up great lighting. I wanted to get this first one under my belt before I changed my mind. See ya next week!


Beginning Weight

I can't believe I'm sharing this!

Current Weight


I can't believe my first change on this was adding! Ugghhh!

Goal Weight


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