#4 of 52

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

#4 of 52, originally uploaded by lissykeeper.

So, I'm running a bit late this week. But better late than never, I always say. (Be the first one to guess that movie and I will buy you a coke) I had this awesome idea, but no time to pull it off. So this is pretty basic, but I was sort of practicing poses that are slimming for us larger girls.

I don't really have anything wonderful to blog about this week. I'm still not dieting, nor am I working out. I did decide to "run" one day last week. I knew I wouldn't be able to run for an extended period of time, but I thought I could run then walk. Well, I started off walking to warm up and stretch my muscles. Once I felt properly stretched, I started running. Everything was great for a couple minutes. I was actually enjoying it. However, when making this plan I neglected a couple of vital details.

#1-- I wasn't "prepared" to run. I didn't have the proper support in place, if you know what I mean.

#2 -- I forgot about the shin splints!

Back in high school, I developed shin splints while playing basketball. I had to tape my legs for every practice. I didn't have to worry about taping them for games since I didn't get to play.

Well, guess what.... shin splints do not go away. Within minutes of beginning to run, my legs felt like the muscle was being ripped away from the bone. If you have never experienced this sensation, you are lucky.

I do have good news to report. I have almost managed to eat all the high fat foods in my house. If I can just keep Gary from going on another "lunch" shopping spree, I will be starting my healthy eating plan very soon.

Hang with me folks! Sooner or later, I will be reporting weight loss instead of cookies eaten!!


#3 of 52

>> Monday, November 3, 2008

#3 of 52, originally uploaded by lissykeeper.

Like the outfit? LOL! Last week was red ribbon week. We had themes everyday, and a few of my fellow teachers and I tried to participate so that the kids would too. Friday, being Halloween, was costume day. This is what I wore. Very fitting for a warrior.

This wasn't my original plan, but I decided to do this at the last minute. It didn't work out so well, but I'm just going to consider it a learning experince. This wasn't even the pose I really intended to use; it was just a crazy pose I did when I was checking my lighting. But since this is about how I have felt lately (crazy) I decided to keep it.

As far as the weight loss goes: Don't Ask! I did walk a couple times this week, but I ate like a hog. I have lost 2 lbs. I'm sure that is water! Don't give up on me yet folks. I will get it together. I just know I will!


Beginning Weight

I can't believe I'm sharing this!

Current Weight


I can't believe my first change on this was adding! Ugghhh!

Goal Weight


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